Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Very Proud!

Hey people!
Today our sweetheart Christin left to Germany for a whole week!
Die Sau!....grml...grml....
Of course to celebrate Fastnacht!^^

Lisa and me drove her to the Dulles Airport!
And actually I found It!!!! AND the way back, which is really impressiv if you think about the fact that I wasn't able to do that a half a year ago!!!
I think I got a better sense of directions since I'm here which is reeeeeaaaally great!
I haven't had that before!
Anyway I hope Chrissy is celebrating a lot and I'm looking forward when she comes back!
That we can have a party here again!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Schaut mal wen ich gefunde hab!

Hey People!
Look who I just found! (I mean...he found me at StudiVZ)^^
Yehaaa the Ilja! Isn't that funny?
But still! It's awesome because now I know that he's living in new Hampshire and how he's doing!
So many people asked me if I have seen him so far...I mean I still haven't seen him but at least we're in contact now! =)
Doesn't he look great?
I used to call him my "Justin"! Doesn't he really look like him?
I think so! ;P

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Wer arbeitet darf auch feiern!

So ich schreib euch mal zur Abwechslung in Deutsch, da ich das ganze Weekend wieder mit meinen German girls verbracht habe! ^^

Jaja diese Woche war ziemlich stressig hab anstatt 45 Stunden, 55 Stunden gaerbeitet weil Caden n Bissel krank war und sein sleep schedule noch nicht soooo richtig funktioniert wie wir das gerne haetten! (meistens is es ganz cool abba wie das halt so mit kleine Kids is... des passt als net grad so wie des die Grosse gerne haette, gell?)
Aber is ok, denn die Haelfte wird mir dann bezahlt und die andere Haelfte, die ich mehr arbeit, bekomm ich Urlaubstage! =) Heheeee.... is nice too!

So joar im Allgemeine is alles in Butter...
und daaaaann....-weil ich ja so viel gearbeitet hab- hab ich mich am Wocheend grad selber belohnt und bin mal wieder feiern gegange mit de Maedels!
Alter Schwede war ich boeeeeees betrunke! Saugeil!!!! Hahahaha....
War echt der Hammer! Des hat mir echt mal wieder gefehlt so richtig voll im Club rumstolpern! Juhu!!! Hab mich richtig wie daheim gefuehlt! (s'ham nur n paar Leute gefehlt, gell?)

Abba s'war riiiiiiiichtig gut!
So und damit ihr davon auch n Eindruck bekommt, werd ich jetzt mal versuche euch ne kleine Slideshow zu basteln!...Achtung:

Yehaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Ich habs geschafft! Nach langer harter Arbeit habe ich euch eine Slideshow erstellt!!! Is das nicht super? Ich bin stolz auf mich!!!!
Jep! (Und das alles noch mit nem Englischen Programm...tuedelue...bin ich gut....juhu.....
*ganz arg freu*

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Geiles Weekend!

Hey people!
Like every time my weekend was awesome!
I told you thatI have been to my "haircut party"on Friday and was very happy about that!

Then on Saturday I had to babysit 9 children!!! (But it wasn't that bad. We had a lot of fun together and everybody was behaving well and I also had support from Rossy,who's working at the preschool anyway).
Later on, on Saturday I went to Desi (of course) and we got ready to go to our club, the FUR...!
Saugeiler Club!!!
Because of the fact that Chrissy(my girl that you can see in the pic) has (a kind of )boyfriend who has connections, we didn't have to stand in line and we didn't had to pay entry also! Isn't that great? BUT later on we also got VIP Tickets and we were able to go "upstairs" to the VIP rooms! Which were so crazy!!!
I just say: Body painting and Gogos!!!! Yeeeehaaaa!!!!
It was very nice!
And also very nice was the fact that Desi and me went to the Hooters on Sunday! ...
What? You don't know what that is?
Ok... it's a restaurant were JUST sexy hot girl are waitressing and I love that fact that I'm a girl because I just asked them for a pic and they said:" Yes of course!" And now I have the Hooter Girls! Jipie!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hair cut!

Yeah finally I got my new Haircut!!!
Yesterday I have been to Vic's house and we had a "Haircut Party"!
I went there to get my hair cut and it turned into a real big haircut Party because everybody was drinking and celebrating and at some point Vic's mom decided to do my haircut (it was 11 pm)!!!
But she wasn't drunk otherwise I wouldn't have done it!!!
hehehe but it was awesome and I love it!!!!
This was before:

And this is now:

Monday, January 7, 2008

First Post 2008!

Hey guys how are you doing?
I'm Srry that I didn't write for such a long time but you know...two boys...that's busy! =)
No I'm kidding it's fine but I also want to go to the gym and hang out with friends, it's just too less time for too many things I wanna do! =)

Hey people, guess who I met this weekend?
I met Desiree!!! Jupie! She's living in Potomac which is just 15 min from my house!!! I was soooo happy to finally see her, because we haven't seen each other since we finished school (or since I'm here, she came in October).
So on Friday I went over to her house and we went out to a Club with friends of hers and it was soooo awesome! We had so much fun and I just love it to dance in Clubs again! Jeeehaaaa!
On Saturday I just decided to stay with her and we went out shopping -of course- (all day long).
Till we went to her Gym's managers apartment in the evening and had a party with some guys from her gym! (which was really nice) ;P
I love my sweety I'm so glad that she's living here so close to me! It's just so nice to have her!

Yesterday we finally had our Christmas at my home and it was so much fun!
I opened the package from my parents from Germany and it was sooooo happy!!! My Dad and my brother gave me this awesome shirt which has the print "Sexiest woman alive" on it! Isn't that cool?
And from my mom I got my favorite perfume and body lotion and matching deodorant!!! Haaaa I was so happy...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

And from my host parents I got a DVD player for my room and the Soprano soundtrack(which is sooooo good!) and clothes and a lot of other things!
We had Dinner together with friends and everybody had fun! It was a nice evening together!
Like real American Christmas! =)