This weekend was my greatest weekend ever!
I did so many things...
First I went out with a friend, Brad and we went to Tyson's to see the premiere of "Saw 4"!!!
And guys I tell you: It is soooooo scary but sooooooo great! You have to watch it! Oh wait a second:
Haaaaahaaaaaaaa it's just coming up in Germany next year!!! Hihihi!
So whoever liked the other parts of it has to watch it!
On Saturday I helped Brad and his Family to set up all the stuff for the Halloween Party which was at their house (they live about 5 min. from my house)!
And t
We were "The Evolution of man"
Here you can see our "Ape" and one part of the "Cavemen-couple"!
And of course we won the prize for the "Best Family costume"
AND....guess what...!?
I did the first Chili in my live for this Chili contest and I won the prize for the "Most unique Chili"!!! Because it was the recipe from my Daddy!!!
Isn't that fantastic? I hope you're proud of me Dad!?
So this was the first real "Halloween Party" in my life and it was just great! I really enjoyed it!
Especially hanging out with Brad and his friends afterwards was just fun! =)
So after 6 hours of sleep which is very much if you compare it to my weekends in Germany I went to "Costco" ( my family on Sunday morning.
That's one of these huge stores where you can buy EVERYTHING!
But most people tend to buy stuff which they don't really need because you can only buy a tonne of it because everything is sooooo cheap! =)
And finally there was the highlight of the weekend:
" Last Train Home" ( was playing at the Iota(a little pub/caffee)!
And it was
Because we were all soooo happy!
Part of the reason for that was that Laura and Todd met at an concert from "Last Train home" and that made it really special to go there!
By the way:
If you want to listen to real American music then you have to listen to them!
And in my eyes they are one of the best Bands I have ever seen!
They are totally not what I was listening to in Germany BUT:
I think that's part of the reason why I like them so much!
They are really really great!
And so was this hole weekend! =)
I'm so happy here and so glad that I have the most wonderful American family that you can think of!!! Thank you guys...
It really was a great weekend wasn't it!? I'm still recovering from all of the excitement. :P
Are you shitting me????
It wasn't that bad to recover for 3 days??? No...I'm joking! =)
It was awesome!!!
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