Friday, September 28, 2007

We are starting Deutsch!

Hey people!

Since Caden is here Laura wants me to speak German with the boys!
I mean it's no problem to speak German with baby Caden because he's just going to be bilingual!
But it is a lot of fun to speak in German with Champe because he's speaking so much for his age and he's just used to speak English! So I try to speak German to Champe but it's so funny when he's repeating my words all the time and when he's asking me tonnes of questions like:
"What's... in Germany?" And I have to say every word in German!!! =)
That's just amusing! hihihi

But ich liebe es Deutsch zu sprechen all the time! ;-)
And this is what we learned so far:


Anonymous said...

is sprrrrechen deuts :D

der clip is einfach lawl xD

Tine said...

Der Clip is der Wahnsinn!
Ich liebe den Kleinen!