I did it again! I cut my hair again! I'm Srry can't do anything about it! I just need to change every once in a while! Most of u guys know that! ;P
So on Friday we-and if I say "we" I mean ALL of us, which is really extra ordinary, because usually we just can't make it cause some of us always do something different- but this time we all could make it! Yeah!
Sooo...everybody, which means Lisa& Noah and his buddy Fezan and Desi& Emanuel and his 2 cousins and Tina, Andy and me went Bowling together! Which was real fun because we played men vs. women and we just lost with like nine or ten points! And I think that's not bad at all, if u consider the fact that we-the girls- were all German and played it either for the first or the second time in our whole entire lives! Yep...I think we did great, don't u!?
Of course on Saturday was party time again! We wanted to go to Adams Morgan to a bar and everything was planned except for the fact that Lisa and me were driving up there with the metro! And it was not bad enough that we had to wait for fourty-fife minutes for our metro to arrive at Dunn-Loring Station...NO!!!...we arrived at Adams morgen another half an hour later and finally there we get a call from Emanuel that we had to go back on the metro and head towards the Fur instead!!!! Well I was pretty upset at this Point but because of the fact that it was raining it wouldn't had been that much fun out at Adams Morgan either! So we went on the Metro train again and after "a really nice and enjoyable" metro ride we arrived at the Fur 2 and a half hours after we left!
But still... I have to say that the evening was quite entertaining because of the fact that Emanuel's cousins still were in town so they went with us, which was probably the fact that we were going to Fur in the end, but whatever...
And hey guys, guess what I did on Sunday?
I went to the Circus! Juhu!!! The fist circus I have been to since I'm here! FUN!!!
Ok...some of you are probably thinking: What is so exciting bout that? hmmmm ... let me think... nothing?! Because I we-the German people- have been to e tonne of circuses in Germany already? Yep exactly...most people wouldn't really care about it but never the less I love circuses and Noah-who's 22 years old- has NEVER been to a circus in his whole life! And because he suggested it, we went there! And it was awesome (especially the fact that some woman gave us some coupons that we got the Tickets!) The show was great! But look by youself:
And later on we still went to a movie like we do every Sunday! And we watched the funniest movie ever!!! We saw "Herold & Kumar escape from Guantanamo Bay" !!!
It was the funniest shit I have ever seen and Noah said that the first one was even better! So I have to get that movie! LoL...just watch the Trailer and it should be coming out in Germany soon...ohhhh wait a minute... maybe in half a year, Srry bout that!!!
I'm just enjoying my privileges of being here in the US! Srry guys! hihihi...
All right love ya all! Hope to hear from u!
*Kiss U*
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Cherry Blossom
Last weekend the Girl and me went to the Cherry Blossom festival in DC...
It was a really nice sunny day and despite the fact that we all were a lil bit buzzed from the day before ^^ we went there and were walking around and enjoyed the day!
And then at April 16th there was Lisa's B-day!!! Juhu!
We went to Austin Grill and did a lil celebrating until...yeahh until she was gone.... Oo?!
But where was she? Should we ask Noah? hmmmm... could be possible?
Hahaha but we found her later on and she was somewhere with him, who knows?
Yeah but we had a lot of fun because everybody was there!
Lisa&Noah, Desi&Emanuel, Andy, Tina, Christin and me of!
On Friday Lisa and me decided to sleep over at my house, for a change... because usually I'm sleeping over at hers, which obviously makes not that huge of a difference because we needed the same amount of time to get to my house instead of going to her house! So now we know! ^^
So we met here and did a little warm up and then we went to the Fur, of course! Which was fun because we haven't been there for about 2 weeks or something like that! wow...that's a long time for us I guess!?
Anyways... on Saturday we went to the Mall together which was pretty cool because it was daytime instead of the middle of the night and we actually went shopping there and not just watching a movie!
Oh, talking about movies: I mutated to a total movie junkie since I'm here! We're in the movie theater at least once a week! Isn't that ridiculous? Nooooo!!!! It's awesome! I love it! They r so much better then German movies... seriously I'll never watch a movie in German! They're way to bad translated! But well... I don't have to worry bout that I'm gonna be here for the next year and a half so who cares?! ;P
So and today I'm gonna get my new haircut! Updates r comin tomorrow!
love u guys!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Hey Guys!!!
Hey Party people...
Ich weiss ich hab schon ewig nimmer geschrieben und ich weiss, dass ich euch jetzt hundert Sachen sagen koennte, aber ich bin ehrlich: Ich war n Bissel Faul...hmmmm...Srry!
Wie dem auch sei...
Hier is alles im gruenen Bereich wie immer unter der Woche gechillt mit den Jungs verbringen, dennen es uebrigens bestens geht! Caden rollt schon in der Gegend rum und is kraeftig am labbern (obwohl es eher nur Laute sind, die er von sich gibt, aber is lustig!) und Champe is superlieb wie immer! Is halt der Beste^^
Jo... und wie ihr ja besdtimmt gemerkt habt, neigt sich mein Jahr langsam dem Ende zu (sind nur noch 4 Monate)...ABER:
Fuer alle, die es noch nicht mitbekommen haben:
Ich habe verlaengert!!!! Und zwar nochmal fuer n komplettes zweites Jahr!
Manchen hab ich ja schon erzaehlt, dass ich das wahrscheinlich vorhabe, aber nun is es offiziell!!!
Ich bleib erstmal noch hier fuer n Weilchen, denn um ehrlich zu sein:
Mir waere ein Jahr NIEMALS genug! Es gibt hier noch so viel zu sehn und zu erleben, dass es eigentlich ne Schande waer jetzt schon heim zu gehn... vor allem weil ich ja erst 21 werde!!! LOL
Da geht's erst richtig los hier!!!
Das muss man hier doch dann auch mal ausnutzen oder? Hehehehe....
Und ausserdem hab ich ein suuuuuuuuuuper Angebot von meiner Hostfamily bekommen, welches da lautet:
1. Ich bekamm das Basement (wohn schon dort)...und fuer alle die nich wissen was das is...
is eigentlich wie n Keller nur schoener...hahaha...halt n Raum im Erdgeschoss basically mit kleinem Bad un so... is gechillt, fuehl mich voll wohl hier!
2. Ich bekomm in meinem zweiten Jahr von meiner Hostfamily n ganzer Monat bezahlter extra Urlaub + die zehn Tage, die ich von meiner Org. sowieso bekomm! Juhu!
und nun kommt der Hammer:
3. Ich bekomme 1000$ zum normalen Lohn dazu, also pro woche ca 20 mehr! Yeah...
+2000$ fuer den extra Monat zum verreissen dann und den Rest des Landes zu erkunden! Yiepie!!!
Is das nich geil???? Mega low!
Auf jeden Fall k
Ich lieb meine Jungs, die sind super und am Weekend gehn immer die Parties in de Clubs mit meine Maedels!!!!
So nun wisst ihr mal wieder was hier so geht!
Ich versprech, dass ich versuch euch auf dem Laufenden zu halten!
Hab euch alle ganz arg doll lieb!
Kiss you guys!!!!
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