Wednesday, February 27, 2008
New Hampshire and Boston!
This weekend I have been to New Hampshire to visit Ilja!
Yehaaaa finally....! =P
On Friday me and the Girls went to the Club and did Party until 3 am (because that's when the last metro arrives)! BUT: Thanks to Lisa... we didn't get it because she was with SOME GUY she doesn't even remember! Grml...grml... I was really mad and left a really angry voice mail on her Cell which she got the next morning at like 8 am! (that wasn't planed but good! =P)
Anyway... our Brian drove us to our Metro station and we left to the Airport! Christin was driving because she was less drunk them we had been! Lol!!!
But never the less I checked in and left to Boston at 6.30 am on Saturday morning!
Finally at 8am in the morning Ilja came and picked me up at the Airport in Boston!
He came with his old Cadillac which is really nice especially the license plate which says:"High 5"
Isn't that cool?
So we drove to their Community which is called "Lukas Community" and a place were they work with mentally disabled (not retarded) people! It is a really nice place which includes 4 houses with 4 residents each and two to three social workers like Ilja and his friends!
So Ilja had to work on Saturday and Sunday and basically we hung out at the Community and in the Afternoon on Saturday we went Bowling with the residents which was fun for them! They are all really special in their own way! I didn't really realize that but they are really cool!
And on Monday Ilja and me left to go sightseeing in BOSTON!!!
Yeahhh.... this city is awesome! The huge skyscrapers are just amazing!!! And the day was perfect! Even though we had a lot of snow over there (2 to 4 feet), it was sunny and really nice)!
We got out of the metro to see the Harvard University and then into the City!
It was perfect! And in the Evening....of course... we had a Party with the other at the Community! Thanks guys! You're awesome! I miss you already!
I had some really nice days over there!
*Kiss ya all*
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Hey Party people!
This week I was sick which wasn't very nice! On Thursday and Friday my throat was hurting really bad so I had to spend most of the time in my bed! =(
But then on Friday I decided to go to my friends house and spend the next 4 days there!
And obviously it was a good decision because as soon as I was in Maryland it was fine! Believe it or not but then it was ok! I mean... not perfectly fine but ok!
So basically we did the same stuff like every weekend...
On Friday we went to the Fur but just a few of us because we met at Austin Grill in Rockville before and Desire and Andy didn't want to go to the Club!
But before we headed to the Fur we went to Anton's (Emanuel's Boss) apartment and were hanging out there for a little bit! So the Rest of us went to the Club later on!
On Saturday we went to a meeting from Christin because she had a Counselor meeting with her Au Pair group and the were supposed to play Bowling but it was not the big deal because me and Lisa thought they were kind of weird... Oo?!
So after that...or course...we went shopping!!! And later on to the FUR again! Yehaaa!!!
We had a lot of fun there just fooling around and making funny faces! LoL!
On Sunday we went to the movie theater at Tyson's Corner! We saw "Fools Gold" which was really funny! It was awesome... you should see it! But in English of course!!!! Otherwise it's not as good!
And on Monday we all met at Austin Grill again (or meeting spot)!!!
So this weekend was extra fun because I stayed there for four days and it was just soooooooooo nice being with my Girls!!!
Because right now I'm really happy that I have them and that we hang out together! It's nice to have friend with who you can talk about everything!
And it's even better that they don't live that far away and that we have the same interests!
Like.... Just having fun, dancing, going out and having a loooot of parties going on!
I love you Lisa, Desi, Tina, Andy & Chrissy!!!! *Big huge Kisses to everybody*
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Party wie immer! Nur noch besser!
On Friday me and Lisa went to the Fur by our self because the other girls had to deal with their men! Thank God that I don't have one! *smile*
And on Saturday we first met Chrissy at Starbucks and then we went together to Bethesda were I did another Piercing! (Srry can't do anything about it! I just love them! ^^) ...
afterwards Christin and me went to her house and got ready for th Fur again! (Of Course)!
So we all met at the Metro Station and went over there! The funny thing about it is just that we met a bunch of other Au Pairs there which had been from Germany too! (You wouldn't believe how many Germans live in this area! It's ridiculous!! But it's fun also because we rule the Club! Yeahhh!
And Tina was so drunk it was just so much fun! Of course we danced all night long and had a huge party with the other German girls!
Them on Sunday we were driving through VA just for fun! And then we styled Chrissy ;P ( don't know why was just a mood!) which turned out beautiful! (luck for me ;P)
And later on Lisa, Desire and me went to a movie in Bethesda! ("Over her dead Body" with Eva Longoria! It was really funny! I liked it!)
And Yesterday we met to meet some other Au Pairs but they never showed up! tssss...
But we didn't care we hung out together like every time and we just had fun together!
We went to Austin Grill in Rockville! Which was not so much fun for Lisa and me because of our fasting time! We didn't eat anything and that was kind of hard! But it's ok...
Tomorrow it's a week! Yehaaaa! Nice!
So like every time our weekends improve and get better and better!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Boes Geiles Weekend mit de Lisa!!!!
This Weekend we had so much fun, it wasn't even funny anymore! Oo....?
On Friday we went to a game center at Rockville Pike with Christina (Tina) ,which was awesome!
We were playing a pool and nobody of us did really well but it was fun! ^^
Especially posing was fun, right Tina? ;P
Then on Saturday I had a LCC (Local Childcare Cooperator) Meeting, which was an "international Dinner evening" (5pm- 7pm)... and Lisa and me went to the
"German Gourmet shop" and me and Lisa bought "Sauerkraut und Bratwurschd " which we cooked then! We never did that before but it obviously tasted good! Puhhhh... lucky us! =)
And afterwards we headed back to my home to change outfits AND.......
up to the FUR!!!!!!! Of Course!? What else?'s just too awesome to not to go!
Bollywood Dancing!

Yesterday Lisa and Desire's Au Pair group had a Meeting and they decided to do
"Bollywood dancing"!
For those of you who don't know what that is...:
Maybe you have heard about the boom of these Indian Movies!
There were basically a bunch of movies coming out and they all had been from India and they only had Indian actors in them! Ohh...and really important: They all had the same plot, which was about a young man who finds that young woman and they fall in love with each other blablabla...

So we went to this Community Center where the Meeting was and there were approximately 40 girl waiting to dance! So then the trainer showed up and we stared dance!
But it was almost impossible for us to dance because we had to laugh so hard!!!! XD
And to give you a little impression of that I did a really nice video!