Saturday, October 18, 2008
Und ueberhaupt...wer hat gestern mein Geld gekleut???? ^^ hihihi
Ja so bin ich halt..aber es war geil wie immer!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Dc war geil!
war ja in DC letztes Wochenende und es war saugeil! Ich weiss nur nimmer alzu viel davon! Hehehe...aber so kennt ihr mich ja?! XD
Also ich hab erstmal 7 Stunden damit verbracht runterzukommen am Freitag! Bin erst mim Zug nach NY und dann von Grand Central mim Shuttle zum Broadway,wo dann mein Bus gefahren 3.30pm und finally um acht war ich dann in DC! ABER meine Maedels ham mich dann gleich nach Rockville bestellt was dann nochmal ne Stunde mit der Metro war!
So das war ja noch alles ganz nice DENN: mein Koffer war ja LEER!!!
So und dann warn wir eben im Austin, was richtig geil war weil cih halt erstmal ganz legal Bier getrunken habe!!! Juhu!!! (obwohl die Aersche uns nicht mal mehr nach dem Ausweiss gefragt ham und das obwohl ich 21 war) Da koennten sie dich mal fragen aber neeeeeee ausgerechnet dann natuerlcih net!!! Tssss....egal....wir sind dann noch in den Orange bowl gegangen und ham Pool gepielt was dann sehr amuesant war in meinem Zustand!
Am Samstag war ich mit Lisa unterwegs und hab mein Krempel bei de Mitchells geholt was auch ganz gut funktioniert hat da Mary Lou zu Hause war denn die warn ausgerechnet an dem Weekend net da!!!! Shit!!!! Das hat mich boes aufgeregt! Aber naja was soll ich machen? Ah ja genau: Wiederkommen!!!! Und genau das werde ich auch tun in drei Wochen! lol...
So und dann Abends ham wir uns dann gerichtet und ich hab mal so ueber den Tag verteilt mit nem Sixer mcih aufgewaermt und dann abends hat uns Tina noch ne Flasche Malibu besorgt welche Lisa und ich dann fatalerweisse in 10 minuten vorm Club geleert ham! hihihi....shit und dementsprechend haben wir dann auch gefeiert! Vor Allem weil mein B-day present von den Maedels so was von GEIL war!!!!! ICh hab n Kroenchen bekommen mit ner 21 drauf und dem Satz:"buy me a drink"! Was dann auch JEDER! getan hat!!!! Shit war Sternhagelvoll und weiss eig nimmer Viel was danach passiert is! hahaha!!! War aber geil!!!! XD
Jo und das Schlimmste is (wuerde Daddy nun sagen) dass ich am naechsten Tag KEINEN Kater hatte!!! Nur n Bissel verplant halt und in dem Zustand musste ich dann zurueck nach CT!
Boahhhh ratet mal wann ich dann zu hause war? halb eins Nachts!!!!! Weil ich zuerst den 5pm bus verpasst habe und dann um 10 in NY war und mein Koffer, ne riessen Tasche und ne kleine Tasche zur Metro schleppen durfte und dann das shuttle nach Grand central nich fuhr und ich mit der andern metro hin musste und dann den zug um 11.20pm bekommen habe um dann 12.11am in Darien anzukommen...ahhhh und dann nochmal 20 min den ganzen Scheiss heimschleppen durfte!!!
Wow ich war so am Arsch und hab dann erst mal geduscht!!!
Aber ich habs ueberlebt! Juhu!
Wie gesagt:
Craaaaazy aber Geil!!! XD
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
This weekend I'm definetly goin to DC! Got the tickets...(I called and they said I could pay cash...U know...with the "Chinese" bus...everybody who ever used that bus company know's that they're not so serious about stuff...*smile*)
So I'm goin to be down there and it's gonna be awesome! I can't wait to see u Lisa!!! Yeahhh!
So here everything's normal...I still don't have a drivers license which SUCKS but yeah there's nothing I can do bout it righit I'm just not gonna think about it!...And the men situation???....Fuck that! I'm not gonna be angry bout them anymore I rather just don't care anymore! ....
~love ya guys~
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I wanted to go to DC this weekend but obviously I shouldn't trust guys! They are just not trustworthy...u know they tell u stuff like:"hey we're goin to DC for the weekend" and a day before they ditch you with telling you they have to work...or you can't reach them on their f***king cell!!! I'm so angry right now you won't believe it!!!
Any ways I'm just goin next weekend and book the tickets and go by myself otherwise it doen't make sense. And you know I wouldn't even need them if I would have a drivers license but obviously that's "a lil" harder to get here then it was in DC!!! I have to pay a s**t load of money for it and they have me wait in line for hours (which is kind of normal for a DMV, but I'm there for the third time now!) and so I can't even get out of the house...except for if I ride my bike! But when I'm out the house NOBODY can reach me because I don't have a cell phone! Achhh I'm just a lil it's gonna be fine I just keep tellin that to myself and keep goin to the gym which is the one thing that makes me happy right now!...
Girls I miss you!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Bin wieder da!
Hab wieder alles geupdatet und bin wieder voll im Rennen!
Wie ihr wisst, hab ich ja seit laaaaaaaaangem nix nehr gemacht weil mein PC ja abgekackt is und ich daher nix online stellen konnte geschweige denn mal die Zeit dazu hatte!
Aber jetzt bin ich wieder voll dabei, weil ich mir hier naemlich einfach das Laptop geschnappt hab und gesagt hab:"so ich mach jetzt meinen account auf und baller da mal alles drauf was geht" Und sie ham gemeint das waer ok (sie wussten ja nich worauf sie sich einlassen...^^) und von dem her hab ich nun wieder alles!
Sprich... ihr findet mich wieder im ICQ(324777439) im MSN( und im Skype(tine.glaser) UND natuerlich HIER!
Ich werde morgen oder zumindest die naechsten Tage mal meine software fuer die Cam installieren und dann kann ich auch wieder pics und slideshows fuer euch anlegen!
So und fuer alle die's NICHT mitbekommen haben:
MAI 2008:
Ich habe einfach mal gedacht ich ueberrasche meine family in dtl. n Bisschen und bin mal so fuer 10 Tage ruebergeflogen! Wie aber Einige von euch (oder zumindest die die den Blog lesen) mitbekommen haben! Es waren saugeile Tage und ich habe jeden Einzelnen genossen! (mit viiiieeeeel Alk natuerlich und Party ohne Ende) so wie man mich kennt ne? ^^
Wobei ich viele von euch gesehen habe aber auch einige die ich gerne gesehen haette ncih erreicht habe aber eswaren ja auch nur 10 Tage also seit mir bitte nicht boese ja? ICh denke auch ganz viel an zu Hause und es hat gut getan mal die Lage daheim zu checken, gell dad? ;P
ABER ich habe auch erkannt dass es zum Party machen ganz geil war aber ich muss euch auch ganz ehrlcih sagen dass ich-wenn cih wieder komme naechstes jahr- nicht lange in klein Achern verweilen werde, da es einfach zu winzig is....naja und immer das Gleiche halt...aber alleine fuer euch lohnt es sich mal nochmal vorbeizuschauen! ^^ Head's up!
War ich dann wieder in Amiland und es war eig alles beim Alten, was sich aber als nicht so toll erwiesen hat da ich einfach naja Abwechslung in meinem Leben brauche! (Und da ich ja die ja nicht in der Liebe habe, muss ich mir die wo anders suchen) und da hat sich die kleine Tine gedacht:"hmmm ich sollte mal meine Hostfamilie wechseln und noch wo anders hingehn!?! So und das hab ich dann auch gemacht! Was aber ziemlich hektisch und drunter und drueber war weil sich erwiesen hat, dass meine Org total suckt und nix auf die Reihe bekommt unud ich am Ende grade noch so meine neue Fam gefunden habe!
August 2008:
Ich war dann noch 3 Wochen laenger als geplannt in DC also anstatt bis am Aug/06 war ich bis am Aug/26 dort und hab fleisig gearbeitet bis dahin!
Und dann finally war ich hier in meiner neuen family!
September 2008:
Ich war dann hier fuer ne Woche und alles is ganz cool soweit!
Also fuer die, dennen ich's noch nicht erzaehlt hab, meine neue address is:
2 Hampton Rd, Darien Ct, 06820 und fuer alle die meine Nummer wollen...ihr solltet mir mal eher ne e-mail schreiben weil die setz ich dann wohl eher nich ins I-net. (schlimm genug dass ich die addi drinne hab) ;P
Ich hab hier drei goldige Maedels auf die ich aufpass! Haltet euch fest:
Katharine/ Baby Sansi (3 Jahre alt und eig ganz suess, mit ihr haeng ich haeufigsten ab, weil sie nur dreimal die woche Schule hat)
Hariett/ Heya (5 Jahre alt und sehr willensstark, erinnert mich an mich als ich immer mit Dirki gestritten habe,hihihi)
Leila/ Lei (7 Jahre alt und naja die ruhigste und aelteste halt und ich bin eher ne freundin als ne Nanny fuer sie)
Und im Allgemeinen bin ich eher der Mediator der drei anstatt ihr spielkamerad denn spielen tun die mit sich selbst oder wenn wir playdates haben ich bin dann eher so am oragnisieren und rumfahrn (wenn ich dann meine beschissene drivers license hab) und essen richten usw...und ab und zu wenn ich eine alleine habe oder wenn cih grad keine buch zum lesen habe dann spiel ich mit ihnen...aber wenn die sich selbstunterhalten und ich ansonsten alles erledigt habe kann cih da schon mal so ganz gediegen neben drann sitzen und n Buch lesen oder so...das is echt angenehm! ;P
Und in meiner Freizeit....naja....*dreckig Grins*....ich habe hier ein Gym direct vor der Haustuer also echt ne Minute zu Fuss und der Strand is grad 5 Minuten mim Fahrrad entfernt! Das is der Hammer! Und ich bin im Moment viel mim Fahrrad unterwegs so im Starbucks abends und so oder mit meinen zwei Maennern Thomas (is auch n Au Pair) und Igor (war mal n Au Pair, arbeitet nun aber im gym und is im Prozess ne Greencard zu bekommen...Arsch...*neidisch Guck*). Jepjep das sind zwei gaaaaaaanz liebe denn der Thomas hat sich naemlich als erster bei mir gemeldet von 10 Au Pair denen ich geschrieben habe! Bitches!!! hat mir dann die Gegend gezeigt und an meinem B-day warn wir erstmal am Strnd n Bier trinken und so...das war voll schoen und am Donnerstag drauf dann auch gleich in ner Bar und so und das war halt ultra geil! 21!!!! Yeahhhh endlich! Es war echt nice mal so ohne Sorgen einfach draufloszutrinken! Hihihi...aber nich ganz so derbe wie in Dtl. das kann halt echt nich uebertroffen werden! Hahahaha!!!
Also meine Lieben ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden!!!!
*Dicker fetter Kuss an alle!*
eure Kleine
Monday, April 28, 2008
New Hair Do and Weekend with Lisa!
I did it again! I cut my hair again! I'm Srry can't do anything about it! I just need to change every once in a while! Most of u guys know that! ;P
So on Friday we-and if I say "we" I mean ALL of us, which is really extra ordinary, because usually we just can't make it cause some of us always do something different- but this time we all could make it! Yeah!
Sooo...everybody, which means Lisa& Noah and his buddy Fezan and Desi& Emanuel and his 2 cousins and Tina, Andy and me went Bowling together! Which was real fun because we played men vs. women and we just lost with like nine or ten points! And I think that's not bad at all, if u consider the fact that we-the girls- were all German and played it either for the first or the second time in our whole entire lives! Yep...I think we did great, don't u!?
Of course on Saturday was party time again! We wanted to go to Adams Morgan to a bar and everything was planned except for the fact that Lisa and me were driving up there with the metro! And it was not bad enough that we had to wait for fourty-fife minutes for our metro to arrive at Dunn-Loring Station...NO!!!...we arrived at Adams morgen another half an hour later and finally there we get a call from Emanuel that we had to go back on the metro and head towards the Fur instead!!!! Well I was pretty upset at this Point but because of the fact that it was raining it wouldn't had been that much fun out at Adams Morgan either! So we went on the Metro train again and after "a really nice and enjoyable" metro ride we arrived at the Fur 2 and a half hours after we left!
But still... I have to say that the evening was quite entertaining because of the fact that Emanuel's cousins still were in town so they went with us, which was probably the fact that we were going to Fur in the end, but whatever...
And hey guys, guess what I did on Sunday?
I went to the Circus! Juhu!!! The fist circus I have been to since I'm here! FUN!!!
Ok...some of you are probably thinking: What is so exciting bout that? hmmmm ... let me think... nothing?! Because I we-the German people- have been to e tonne of circuses in Germany already? Yep exactly...most people wouldn't really care about it but never the less I love circuses and Noah-who's 22 years old- has NEVER been to a circus in his whole life! And because he suggested it, we went there! And it was awesome (especially the fact that some woman gave us some coupons that we got the Tickets!) The show was great! But look by youself:
And later on we still went to a movie like we do every Sunday! And we watched the funniest movie ever!!! We saw "Herold & Kumar escape from Guantanamo Bay" !!!
It was the funniest shit I have ever seen and Noah said that the first one was even better! So I have to get that movie! LoL...just watch the Trailer and it should be coming out in Germany soon...ohhhh wait a minute... maybe in half a year, Srry bout that!!!
I'm just enjoying my privileges of being here in the US! Srry guys! hihihi...
All right love ya all! Hope to hear from u!
*Kiss U*
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Cherry Blossom
Last weekend the Girl and me went to the Cherry Blossom festival in DC...
It was a really nice sunny day and despite the fact that we all were a lil bit buzzed from the day before ^^ we went there and were walking around and enjoyed the day!
And then at April 16th there was Lisa's B-day!!! Juhu!
We went to Austin Grill and did a lil celebrating until...yeahh until she was gone.... Oo?!
But where was she? Should we ask Noah? hmmmm... could be possible?
Hahaha but we found her later on and she was somewhere with him, who knows?
Yeah but we had a lot of fun because everybody was there!
Lisa&Noah, Desi&Emanuel, Andy, Tina, Christin and me of!
On Friday Lisa and me decided to sleep over at my house, for a change... because usually I'm sleeping over at hers, which obviously makes not that huge of a difference because we needed the same amount of time to get to my house instead of going to her house! So now we know! ^^
So we met here and did a little warm up and then we went to the Fur, of course! Which was fun because we haven't been there for about 2 weeks or something like that! wow...that's a long time for us I guess!?
Anyways... on Saturday we went to the Mall together which was pretty cool because it was daytime instead of the middle of the night and we actually went shopping there and not just watching a movie!
Oh, talking about movies: I mutated to a total movie junkie since I'm here! We're in the movie theater at least once a week! Isn't that ridiculous? Nooooo!!!! It's awesome! I love it! They r so much better then German movies... seriously I'll never watch a movie in German! They're way to bad translated! But well... I don't have to worry bout that I'm gonna be here for the next year and a half so who cares?! ;P
So and today I'm gonna get my new haircut! Updates r comin tomorrow!
love u guys!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Hey Guys!!!
Hey Party people...
Ich weiss ich hab schon ewig nimmer geschrieben und ich weiss, dass ich euch jetzt hundert Sachen sagen koennte, aber ich bin ehrlich: Ich war n Bissel Faul...hmmmm...Srry!
Wie dem auch sei...
Hier is alles im gruenen Bereich wie immer unter der Woche gechillt mit den Jungs verbringen, dennen es uebrigens bestens geht! Caden rollt schon in der Gegend rum und is kraeftig am labbern (obwohl es eher nur Laute sind, die er von sich gibt, aber is lustig!) und Champe is superlieb wie immer! Is halt der Beste^^
Jo... und wie ihr ja besdtimmt gemerkt habt, neigt sich mein Jahr langsam dem Ende zu (sind nur noch 4 Monate)...ABER:
Fuer alle, die es noch nicht mitbekommen haben:
Ich habe verlaengert!!!! Und zwar nochmal fuer n komplettes zweites Jahr!
Manchen hab ich ja schon erzaehlt, dass ich das wahrscheinlich vorhabe, aber nun is es offiziell!!!
Ich bleib erstmal noch hier fuer n Weilchen, denn um ehrlich zu sein:
Mir waere ein Jahr NIEMALS genug! Es gibt hier noch so viel zu sehn und zu erleben, dass es eigentlich ne Schande waer jetzt schon heim zu gehn... vor allem weil ich ja erst 21 werde!!! LOL
Da geht's erst richtig los hier!!!
Das muss man hier doch dann auch mal ausnutzen oder? Hehehehe....
Und ausserdem hab ich ein suuuuuuuuuuper Angebot von meiner Hostfamily bekommen, welches da lautet:
1. Ich bekamm das Basement (wohn schon dort)...und fuer alle die nich wissen was das is...
is eigentlich wie n Keller nur schoener...hahaha...halt n Raum im Erdgeschoss basically mit kleinem Bad un so... is gechillt, fuehl mich voll wohl hier!
2. Ich bekomm in meinem zweiten Jahr von meiner Hostfamily n ganzer Monat bezahlter extra Urlaub + die zehn Tage, die ich von meiner Org. sowieso bekomm! Juhu!
und nun kommt der Hammer:
3. Ich bekomme 1000$ zum normalen Lohn dazu, also pro woche ca 20 mehr! Yeah...
+2000$ fuer den extra Monat zum verreissen dann und den Rest des Landes zu erkunden! Yiepie!!!
Is das nich geil???? Mega low!
Auf jeden Fall k
Ich lieb meine Jungs, die sind super und am Weekend gehn immer die Parties in de Clubs mit meine Maedels!!!!
So nun wisst ihr mal wieder was hier so geht!
Ich versprech, dass ich versuch euch auf dem Laufenden zu halten!
Hab euch alle ganz arg doll lieb!
Kiss you guys!!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
New Hampshire and Boston!
This weekend I have been to New Hampshire to visit Ilja!
Yehaaaa finally....! =P
On Friday me and the Girls went to the Club and did Party until 3 am (because that's when the last metro arrives)! BUT: Thanks to Lisa... we didn't get it because she was with SOME GUY she doesn't even remember! Grml...grml... I was really mad and left a really angry voice mail on her Cell which she got the next morning at like 8 am! (that wasn't planed but good! =P)
Anyway... our Brian drove us to our Metro station and we left to the Airport! Christin was driving because she was less drunk them we had been! Lol!!!
But never the less I checked in and left to Boston at 6.30 am on Saturday morning!
Finally at 8am in the morning Ilja came and picked me up at the Airport in Boston!
He came with his old Cadillac which is really nice especially the license plate which says:"High 5"
Isn't that cool?
So we drove to their Community which is called "Lukas Community" and a place were they work with mentally disabled (not retarded) people! It is a really nice place which includes 4 houses with 4 residents each and two to three social workers like Ilja and his friends!
So Ilja had to work on Saturday and Sunday and basically we hung out at the Community and in the Afternoon on Saturday we went Bowling with the residents which was fun for them! They are all really special in their own way! I didn't really realize that but they are really cool!
And on Monday Ilja and me left to go sightseeing in BOSTON!!!
Yeahhh.... this city is awesome! The huge skyscrapers are just amazing!!! And the day was perfect! Even though we had a lot of snow over there (2 to 4 feet), it was sunny and really nice)!
We got out of the metro to see the Harvard University and then into the City!
It was perfect! And in the Evening....of course... we had a Party with the other at the Community! Thanks guys! You're awesome! I miss you already!
I had some really nice days over there!
*Kiss ya all*
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Hey Party people!
This week I was sick which wasn't very nice! On Thursday and Friday my throat was hurting really bad so I had to spend most of the time in my bed! =(
But then on Friday I decided to go to my friends house and spend the next 4 days there!
And obviously it was a good decision because as soon as I was in Maryland it was fine! Believe it or not but then it was ok! I mean... not perfectly fine but ok!
So basically we did the same stuff like every weekend...
On Friday we went to the Fur but just a few of us because we met at Austin Grill in Rockville before and Desire and Andy didn't want to go to the Club!
But before we headed to the Fur we went to Anton's (Emanuel's Boss) apartment and were hanging out there for a little bit! So the Rest of us went to the Club later on!
On Saturday we went to a meeting from Christin because she had a Counselor meeting with her Au Pair group and the were supposed to play Bowling but it was not the big deal because me and Lisa thought they were kind of weird... Oo?!
So after that...or course...we went shopping!!! And later on to the FUR again! Yehaaa!!!
We had a lot of fun there just fooling around and making funny faces! LoL!
On Sunday we went to the movie theater at Tyson's Corner! We saw "Fools Gold" which was really funny! It was awesome... you should see it! But in English of course!!!! Otherwise it's not as good!
And on Monday we all met at Austin Grill again (or meeting spot)!!!
So this weekend was extra fun because I stayed there for four days and it was just soooooooooo nice being with my Girls!!!
Because right now I'm really happy that I have them and that we hang out together! It's nice to have friend with who you can talk about everything!
And it's even better that they don't live that far away and that we have the same interests!
Like.... Just having fun, dancing, going out and having a loooot of parties going on!
I love you Lisa, Desi, Tina, Andy & Chrissy!!!! *Big huge Kisses to everybody*
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Party wie immer! Nur noch besser!
On Friday me and Lisa went to the Fur by our self because the other girls had to deal with their men! Thank God that I don't have one! *smile*
And on Saturday we first met Chrissy at Starbucks and then we went together to Bethesda were I did another Piercing! (Srry can't do anything about it! I just love them! ^^) ...
afterwards Christin and me went to her house and got ready for th Fur again! (Of Course)!
So we all met at the Metro Station and went over there! The funny thing about it is just that we met a bunch of other Au Pairs there which had been from Germany too! (You wouldn't believe how many Germans live in this area! It's ridiculous!! But it's fun also because we rule the Club! Yeahhh!
And Tina was so drunk it was just so much fun! Of course we danced all night long and had a huge party with the other German girls!
Them on Sunday we were driving through VA just for fun! And then we styled Chrissy ;P ( don't know why was just a mood!) which turned out beautiful! (luck for me ;P)
And later on Lisa, Desire and me went to a movie in Bethesda! ("Over her dead Body" with Eva Longoria! It was really funny! I liked it!)
And Yesterday we met to meet some other Au Pairs but they never showed up! tssss...
But we didn't care we hung out together like every time and we just had fun together!
We went to Austin Grill in Rockville! Which was not so much fun for Lisa and me because of our fasting time! We didn't eat anything and that was kind of hard! But it's ok...
Tomorrow it's a week! Yehaaaa! Nice!
So like every time our weekends improve and get better and better!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Boes Geiles Weekend mit de Lisa!!!!
This Weekend we had so much fun, it wasn't even funny anymore! Oo....?
On Friday we went to a game center at Rockville Pike with Christina (Tina) ,which was awesome!
We were playing a pool and nobody of us did really well but it was fun! ^^
Especially posing was fun, right Tina? ;P
Then on Saturday I had a LCC (Local Childcare Cooperator) Meeting, which was an "international Dinner evening" (5pm- 7pm)... and Lisa and me went to the
"German Gourmet shop" and me and Lisa bought "Sauerkraut und Bratwurschd " which we cooked then! We never did that before but it obviously tasted good! Puhhhh... lucky us! =)
And afterwards we headed back to my home to change outfits AND.......
up to the FUR!!!!!!! Of Course!? What else?'s just too awesome to not to go!
Bollywood Dancing!

Yesterday Lisa and Desire's Au Pair group had a Meeting and they decided to do
"Bollywood dancing"!
For those of you who don't know what that is...:
Maybe you have heard about the boom of these Indian Movies!
There were basically a bunch of movies coming out and they all had been from India and they only had Indian actors in them! Ohh...and really important: They all had the same plot, which was about a young man who finds that young woman and they fall in love with each other blablabla...

So we went to this Community Center where the Meeting was and there were approximately 40 girl waiting to dance! So then the trainer showed up and we stared dance!
But it was almost impossible for us to dance because we had to laugh so hard!!!! XD
And to give you a little impression of that I did a really nice video!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Very Proud!

Hey people!
Today our sweetheart Christin left to Germany for a whole week!
Die Sau!....grml...grml....
Of course to celebrate Fastnacht!^^
Lisa and me drove her to the Dulles Airport!
And actually I found It!!!! AND the way back, which is really impressiv if you think about the fact that I wasn't able to do that a half a year ago!!!
I think I got a better sense of directions since I'm here which is reeeeeaaaally great!
I haven't had that before!
Anyway I hope Chrissy is celebrating a lot and I'm looking forward when she comes back!
That we can have a party here again!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Schaut mal wen ich gefunde hab!
Look who I just found! (I mean...he found me at StudiVZ)^^
Yehaaa the Ilja! Isn't that funny?
But still! It's awesome because now I know that he's living in new Hampshire and how he's doing!
So many people asked me if I have seen him so far...I mean I still haven't seen him but at least we're in contact now! =)
Doesn't he look great?
I used to call him my "Justin"! Doesn't he really look like him?
I think so! ;P
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Wer arbeitet darf auch feiern!
Jaja diese Woche war ziemlich stressig hab anstatt 45 Stunden, 55 Stunden gaerbeitet weil Caden n Bissel krank war und sein sleep schedule noch nicht soooo richtig funktioniert wie wir das gerne haetten! (meistens is es ganz cool abba wie das halt so mit kleine Kids is... des passt als net grad so wie des die Grosse gerne haette, gell?)
Aber is ok, denn die Haelfte wird mir dann bezahlt und die andere Haelfte, die ich mehr arbeit, bekomm ich Urlaubstage! =) Heheeee.... is nice too!
So joar im Allgemeine is alles in Butter...
und daaaaann....-weil ich ja so viel gearbeitet hab- hab ich mich am Wocheend grad selber belohnt und bin mal wieder feiern gegange mit de Maedels!
Alter Schwede war ich boeeeeees betrunke! Saugeil!!!! Hahahaha....
War echt der Hammer! Des hat mir echt mal wieder gefehlt so richtig voll im Club rumstolpern! Juhu!!! Hab mich richtig wie daheim gefuehlt! (s'ham nur n paar Leute gefehlt, gell?)
Abba s'war riiiiiiiichtig gut!
So und damit ihr davon auch n Eindruck bekommt, werd ich jetzt mal versuche euch ne kleine Slideshow zu basteln!...Achtung:
Yehaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Ich habs geschafft! Nach langer harter Arbeit habe ich euch eine Slideshow erstellt!!! Is das nicht super? Ich bin stolz auf mich!!!!
Jep! (Und das alles noch mit nem Englischen Programm...tuedelue...bin ich gut....juhu.....
*ganz arg freu*
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Geiles Weekend!
I just say: Body painting and Gogos!!!! Yeeeehaaaa!!!!
It was very nice!
And also very nice was the fact that Desi and me went to the Hooters on Sunday! ...
What? You don't know what that is?
Ok... it's a restaurant were JUST sexy hot girl are waitressing and I love that fact that I'm a girl because I just asked them for a pic
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Hair cut!
Yesterday I have been to Vic's house and we had a "Haircut Party"!
I went there to get my hair cut and it turned into a real big haircut Party because everybody was drinking and celebrating and at some point Vic's mom decided to do my haircut (it was 11 pm)!!!
But she wasn't drunk otherwise I wouldn't have done it!!!
This was before:
And this is now:
Monday, January 7, 2008
First Post 2008!
I'm Srry that I didn't write for such a long time but you know...two boys...that's busy! =)
No I'm kidding it's fine but I also want to go to the gym and hang out with friends, it's just too less time for too many things I wanna do! =)
Hey people, guess who I met this weekend?
I met Desiree!!! Jupie! She's living in Potomac which is just 15 min from my house!!! I was soooo happy to finally see her, because we haven't seen each other since we finished school (or since I'm here, she came in October).
So on Friday I went over to her house and we went out to a Club with friends of hers and it was soooo awesome! We had so much fun and I just love it to dance in Clubs again! Jeeehaaaa!
On Saturday I just decided to stay with her and we went out shopping -of course- (all day long).
Till we went to her Gym's managers apartment in the evening and had a party with some guys from her gym! (which was really nice) ;P
I love my sweety I'm so glad that she's living here so close to me! It's just so nice to have her!
I opened the package from my parents from Germany and it was sooooo happy!!! My
And from my mom I got my favorite perfume and body lotion and matching deodorant!!! Haaaa I was so happy...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
And from my host parents I got a DVD player for my room and the Soprano soundtrack(which is sooooo good!) and clothes and a lot of other things!
We had Dinner together with friends and everybody had fun! It was a nice evening together!
Like real American Christmas! =)