Hey Guys!
Are U in X-mas a mood yet?
Hmmmm.....honestly I am! Because we did a lot of Christmas cookies yet! And we have a really huge tree in our living room! It is exactly the way I expected it to be! It is wonderful with all these ornaments and presents underneath!
And Champe did a really good job with helping me with doing Christmas cookies so far!
I mean...last week we have been to Kirstin's house for decorating cookies and Champe and Coral did about 5 Cookies! K

What are you guys doing on Christmas? Any plans? Tell me! And then I'm gonna tell you on Wednesday-when I come home- what I did! ^^
Surprise, surprise! =P

Yeah! And finally Christmas is over!.....=(
But we celebrated a lot and it was fun, because Kevin's family is awesome!
They gave me this really funny Christmas present (of course his nephews picked it out because they thought it's soooooo funny if I wear them!
So we celebrated together with his whole family and had a lot of fun!
And me and my family are going to celebrate at some point around New Years!...
Just when we have time^^