This week was amazing!
Wednesday I went to the
nature center with Izzy and the kids and it was fun like everytime!
But this time the boys put on some costumes and it was soooooo cute!
Thursday I started school! Finally!!!
And it was really fun! Even if it is in the evening but I don't care! Sooo...
I went there, was in the class and.... I was all bored!
Because of the fact that the books for Level 9, which I was in and Level 10 go together, I decided to ask the principal if I could do Level 9 on my own and
move up to Level 10!?
That way I'm faster and can do the TOFEL, which is the final test earlier! (and I can save another 500$) ;P
And he was pretty impressed and said:" Of course you can! Sounds like a plan!"
Yeahhhhhh!!!! So I'm all proud of myself now!
And by the way:
HEY MR. HEINTZE:" LEVEL 9 in 2 DAYS!!!!"Hihihi...and all that with
5 points in my English A-Level! *Smile*
Friday afte

r school I went over to Vic's house to a birthday party from a friend of her which wasn't very exciting. So we decided to leave early(1.30am)...
BUT: It was actually the best decision ever!!!
Because: I met her MOM!!! XDMe and Kersena (Vic's mom) had such a great time, I think it was almost annoying for Vic and Ryan...hihihi... because we were talking about Germany and what I'm going to do after the 2 years and at some point she mentioned that she has her
OWN hair salon downstairs!!!
And I was totally excited about that because I was searching for somebody and now I found her! Yupie!
And she just went:" Ok here is the deal: I'm going to cut your hair, if YOU are going to cook a really good German Dinner for us!?"
I mean: Isn't that great??? The hell
OF COURSE I'm going to cook a Dinner for you guys!!!!!!!
No question about that! (Ich hab da so an Spaetzle und Schnitzel gedacht, was denkt ihr so? is ok oder?) So it was just awesome!!!! =)
And on
Saturday I went to the first
Anime Convention of my life!
It was sooooooooo interesting! Especially the people which had been dressed up were so funny!
Look at this:

Isn't that awesome!? I just loved it! But honestly I really missed my lovely awesome brother!
I really needed him there! That would have made it 10 times better!!! I love you Dirki... next time we go together! I Promise!!!
Finally I was Ice skating Yesterday! (even if we don't have snow or anything close to that)
But somehow they made it up that you can go Ice skating at the "
Pentagon Ice Row Skating" at the

shopping mall over there!

It was fun because I haven't done it for such a long time so that was a nice Idea! Thx Nicolle!